Thursday, January 22, 2009

Valentine's day Rose Message

A rose for a rose on the Valentine's day FRIENDSHIP PUTS SMILE WHERE LOVE LEAVES TEARS
But still people want tear of Love to share the feeling of heart.
Happy Valentine's day 2009 with The Best Rose message Ideas

______*_______** * ___________
____________***__*_**** ___________
____________**__**_____* __________
___________***_*__*_____* _________
__________****_____**___****** ____
_________*****______**_*______** __
________*****_______*_______* _____
________******_____*_______* ______
_________******____*______* _______
__________********_______* ________
__***_________**______** __________
*******__________** WHAT IS SWEET BUT
_*******_________* NOT HONEY_______
__******_________*_* ______________
___***___*_______** PRECIOUS BUT NOT
_______****_*___* _________________
_____******__*_** BRIGHT BUT NOT...
____*******___** SUNSHINE__________
____*****______* __________________
____**_________* IMPROVE WITH TIME..
_____*_________* BUT NOT WINE???___
_____________*_* __________________
______________** IT'S OUR friendship !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!